Friday, November 1, 2024


There were many rumors that Nintendo was going to announce its next game system in October, which didn't happen.  Nintendo fans are extremely anxious for news about the next-generation system.

2 minutes ago (edited)
The problem with the next-generation Switch is that Nintendo is stuck between needing to upgrade to compete with other consoles and the mobile hardware not being good enough to compete with consoles.   A two-teraflop system is going to be better than the first Switch but it is nothing compared to Sony's 16-teraflop system.  It is possible that AI upscaling will make it look amazing.

I am thinking of getting one.

1 hour ago
I've been telling poeple for months that it would not make sense for Nintendo to announce the new Switch (Super Switch?) in 2024 when they will release it in March or April of next year.  They will still want to sell the existing Switch's for Christmas.

57 minutes ago
This is 100% the right take. As alluded to in the video the Wii U was doing horribly, Nintendo needed a jump into the next cycle. If you look at every Nintendo major console release all of them had an initial release in holiday season with the sole exception being the switch.

Nintendo is willing to coast into the holiday season, it probably ends up being one of their worst (probably a lot better than MS and PS) holiday seasons and then right before they meet with investors in March, they announce the Switch 2.

41 minutes ago
I agree. If I had to guess, I think Nintendo is going to milk the holiday season and announce the Switch 2 next year. Just makes more sense and aligns with how Nintendo usually thinks. They are using this time to announce all those other projects like the Alarmo Clock and whatever else they had in the closet.

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